SIGNificant - E-signing Platform for Documents

Manage e-signature workflows with eSignAnyWhere
Our enterprise platform enables you to choose the best solution for every channel, business process, and department need, while still maintaining all the advantages of a homogeneous platform. All products are built on the same core technology and can be easily integrated with each other.
- Route envelopes to multiple transaction participants across various channels - no matter whether with the help of personal meetings or via remote signature, optionally even supported through a video-call and screen-sharing session
- Ensure transaction security across all channels - including POS, mobile & online
- Capture signatures with handwritten biometrics, click-to-sign with process evidence, or use personal signing certificates
- Define transactions through a Web designer, plugins or API
- Review transaction status through a dashboards with interactive drill down
Online sales, onboarding and e-signing of contracts with LiveID
Integrate online sales, client on-boarding and contract signing in a single process - whether on smartphone, tablet, PC or kiosk.
- Filters potential buyers out of the crowd of all website visitors
- Online video-consultation to turn these potential buyers into actual ones
- Identify clients using scripted onboarding procedures such as required by eKYC processes to meet national anti-money laundering regulations
- Online e-signing with eSignAnyWhere - supported by online video consulting to avoid late drop-outs with signing complex contracts

Biometric Signature - even Qualified!
Live handwritten biometric signatures are best used in cases where both contracting parties meet face-to-face.
- Delivers a signing experience that’s closest to a paper signature
- Behavioral biometrics captured from one's handwritten signature allow (real-time) signature verification to identify the signatory
- Strong asymmetric encryption including document binding ensure signatures and signed documents are tamper safe
- Turn a handwritten signature into a qualified signature legally equivalent to wet-ink through real-time authentication of a remote certificate
Tablets - iOS, Android & Windows
- Read, edit and sign documents directly on the mobile device
- Use pure native apps to work offline - even when using a back-end server
- Use online hybrid apps to minimize deployment efforts across all 3 platforms
- Apply palm protection even with a capacitive stylus
- Open documents created on your POS PC automatically through push or pull

Transform a smartphone into a signature pad
- Read and edit documents on any computer and capture biometric signatures through a smartphone
- Connect the smartphone to the computer either over the internet or locally via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi
- See the document background while signing with finger, capacitive stylus, or a pressure pen
- Native app on iOS, Android, and Windows can be installed in seconds

Signature monitors – 10’’ or bigger
- Review and sign documents directly on the signature monitor - without interfering with the primary display of the POS PC
- See what is happening on the signature monitor through a screen-sharing window on the primary display and assist if necessary
- Automatically switch the signature monitor into “advertising mode” to display slide shows or video clips during idle operation
- Integrate with desktop and Web applications that are virtualized through Citrix, RDP, or VMWare Horizon on Windows and Linux
Signature pads – up to 5’’ screen size
- Review and edit documents on any computer and sign on a signature pad
- Browse and zoom the pages even on the signature pad
- See the document background while signing on the signature pad
- Integrate with desktop and Web applications that are virtualized through Citrix, RDP, or VMWare Horizon on Windows and Linux
Real-time biometric signature verification
- Authenticate users simply based on their handwritten signature captured on smartphones, tablets, or signature devices
- Process transactions only if signatories are successfully authenticated against a pre-enrolled signature profile
- Use a verification system that automatically adapts to gradual shifts in signature behavior over time
- Reliably prove verification results in the signed PDF through logging the signed response message and a server-side evidence book
Process Signature
Signature Capture in HTML5 with Server-side Evidence Book
HTML5 signatures are best used in cases where the signatory needs to sign remotely on their own device.
- Enable your clients to sign on their own device without having to install any software
- Use any HTML5 compliant device for signing, including smartphones or traditional PCs
- Authenticate signers and then simply allow them to execute signatures with Click-to-Sign, Type-to-Sign or Draw-to Sign
- Provide reliable process evidence through logging all user actions into a signed & secure service-side evidence book

Enable clients to sign remotely on their device
- Distribute only secure links that reference server-side documents instead of the PDFs themselves
- Use advanced authentication methods such as eID, SMS-OTP, video or other methods whenever required
- Optionally require clients to access their email to receive the links to the documents requiring their signature
- Automatically notify recipients and alert sender if envelopes are not completed on schedule
Host meetings in-person
- Enable clients to read, edit and sign documents on your computer or tablet simply inside your Web application
- No need to download or install anything on your computer
- Log proof of identification and authentication of the signatory together with the details of each document’s history in a signed audit trail that provides process evidence for legal proof

Digital signatures with personalized certificates
Digital signatures with a signing certificate issued the signatory are required in the EU for Qualified e-Signatures. Additionally, they are the only choice when the signature must be verifiable by the reader of a document inside Adobe Reader without the help of any external tools or server-side logs.
- Use user managed certificates issued from the CA of your choice or issue certificates on the fly and simplify their usage through a remote signing environment managed by Namirial TSP
- Sign files in compliance to the PAdES, XAdES or CAdeES standard
- Provide best user experience to readers of signed documents through Adobe Approved Trust List (AATL) compliant signing certificates
- Sign documents legally equivalent to wet-ink using a qualified signing certificate - managed locally or even remotely (eIDAS compliant)

Remote signing - managed by Namirial Trust Service Provider (TSP)
- Issue qualified signing certificates on the spot during a business negotiation – after the recipient has been identified, either face-to-face or using Live Video Identification
- Choose between disposable certificates valid for a specific business situation or durable certificates, valid for three years
- Run the remote signing environment that manages the personal signing certificates and that signs document hashes, either on your own premises or as a Cloud service
- Authenticate the remote certificate to execute a (qualified) e-signature with a biometric signature or a one-time-password (SMS)

Local signing - with certificates provided by the Certificate Authority of your choice
- Use user managed certificates issued from the CA of your choice e.g. on smart cards or USB token in a client-side Web application
- Configurable signature imprint
- Access to the local certificate, either directly or via Windows certificate store
- Support for a wide range of national eIDs and smart cards